


“Meeting the needs of the present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs"
Source: Brundtland report (1987)

Sustainable development is the driving force for acting more responsibly to protect our world for future generations. It encompasses a combination of environmental, economic and social aspects. The coil coating industry incorporates sustainable development principles into all aspects of its operations and works closely with its customers and suppliers to develop products that are better for consumers and the environment.

People, Planet, Profit

ECCA and the coil coating industry work hard to balance a financially stable industry with social responsibility to its employees and stakeholders and stewardship of the environment:


  • A stable and skilled workforce
  • A valued member of the community
  • A safe working environment
  • High-quality, reliable products used at the heart of society
  • Responsible reporting


  • Low environmental impact of both products and process
  • Recyclable and recycled products – commitment to the Circular Economy
  • Low waste in manufacture and in use
  • Controlled processes with a focus on minimising energy, emissions and resource usage


  • A financially stable industry
  • Investment in people and equipment
  • Affordable and fit-for-purpose products

Sustainable products, sustainable process

Coil coating is the best available technology (BAT) for applying paint to metal and the most environmental friendly process as it minimises environmental problems such as the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOC’s), reduces the use of chemicals, water, and energy, and the amount of waste generated.  ECCA carries out an annual benchmarking survey of the environmental performance of its coil coater members in order to facilitate continuous improvement of the process and to further reduce its environmental impact.

Independently verified life cycle assessments of prepainted metal versus post-painted alternatives have confirmed the lower environmental impact of the prepainted product. Not only is coil coating the best way to paint a metal substrate, but the final prepainted metal offers superior performance in many applications.  Despite prepainted metal using only thin paint films (and so using less paint) it consistently out-performs post-painted metal in terms of longevity, corrosion protection, and aesthetics.  This superior performance reduces or even eliminates the need for maintenance or replacement of the product in service.